I’m pleased to announce that our eBook, Building the Revell He 219A-7 in 1/32 Scale by Iain Ogilvie, has now been updated to version 1.1!
v1.0 was first published back in January of 2019, and we’ve now added the newly-announced reference title from WingLeader to the relevant appendix at the back of the book.
Being a digital publication means this kind of update is very easy to do, and we will continue to update all our books in this fashion any time an applicable new product is released, or we find an error somewhere.
This new update is free to download for anyone who has already purchased this book. If you have an account with us, simply log in and download a new copy of the book from Downloads section of your account. Otherwise, the download link contained in your original purchase notification email should still be valid.
If neither of these scenarios applies to you, and you’d still like to download your updated copy, create a customer account here on the website, and then contact me so that I can associate your purchase with your new account. Once that is done, you can log in and download it from your purchase history.
And of course, if you haven’t purchased Building the Revell He 219A-7 in 1/32 Scale at all yet, you’re more than welcome to do so!