Thanks to eagle-eyed customer Joshua Allfree for spotting an error in one of the captions in the References section of book. I’ve now corrected this, along with a couple of other errors I missed, and issued a v1.4 update.

Building the Wingnut Wings Albatros D.Va in 1/32 Scale
In this 198-page eBook, Karim Bibi builds the Wingnut Wings 1/32 scale Albatros D.Va kit to his usual excellent standard, utilising a variety of aftermarket parts and decals, along with some scratch-building, to produce an award-winning model.
Along with Karim’s terrific build, we’ve also included artwork by Ronny Bar, some historical notes by Greg VanWyndarden, and more than 90 walkaround photos of the Mercedes D.III engine by James Fahey. The v1.1 update introduces a new 12-page tutorial on rigging!
Note: all our prices are in Australian dollars.
v1.5 Now Available!
I’m always very grateful to our customers who take the time to point out any errors or other issues with our publications, as it allows us to engage in a process of continuous improvement, not only with existing publications, but future ones also. Unlike with traditional print publishing, making these corrections and improvements, and releasing updates as required, is a very simple process. And of course, existing purchasers are entitled to download these updates for free! New purchasers will always receive the latest version of any publication they purchase.
And don’t forget that this title is still on sale for a mere 10 Australian dollars!