I’m pleased to report that our next title, Building WWI Dioramas in 1/32 Scale by Jeroen Veen, has just reached the first draft stage, and is on course for an imminent release.
This book showcases three of master modeller Jeroen Veen’s excellent WWI aircraft dioramas in 1/32 scale.
The first, entitled The Smoke: Preparations for a Dawn Patrol, features the Wingnut Wings RE.8 kit in a scene with four figures as the contemplate the morning’s sortie.

The second diorama is a small vignette entitled Crashed. This shows a small boy surveying the scene of an aircraft crash, with all that remains being a forlorn engine.

The final diorama, Survivors, places the Wingnut Wings Fokker D.VII kit in a museum setting, complete with ancillary displays and admiring patrons.

Stay tuned for the formal release announcement!