Written by master modeller Eric Galliers, this 123-page digital book shows you how he built his award-winning 1/32 scale model of K.J. “Brick” Bricknell’s CAC Sabre. Using the Italeri 1/32 scale F-86F kit as a basis, Eric modifies it to the Avon-powered configuration employed by CAC-built RAAF Sabres, to produce an exquisite replica of Brick’s Sabre as he flew it in 1963.
The update itself comprises a new Contents page with handy clickable links, a new set of Appendices that cover available aftermarket and reference items, and some minor layout and typographical tweaks.
As always, existing purchasers can download the latest version for free, while new purchasers will of course receive the updated version. For more information on how this works, please see my recent article on obtaining free book updates.
Here’s what some of our readers have said about this title:
“…this is what a model book should be like in this format…” – John Svendsen, Australia
“…it’s excellent. Not only a great how to, but a lot of back story of the Aussy Sabre and the pilot. That said, the real good part is the customer service.” – Chuck Cook, USA
So, head on over to our webstore and grab yourselves a bargain! The sale will run until midnight Sunday, 31 October.
While we all love the tactile immediacy of physical books, there’s no denying that digital eBooks have some advantages. Many of these advantages are obvious, but a less obvious one that we make a feature of here at KLP is the ability to update our books and release newer versions. It could be that we missed a typo, or some other error that escaped our attention during the proofing phase—a consequence of what is known in the publishing business as Muphry’s Law. Unlike with traditional print publications, these kinds of errors are trivial to fix and incorporate into an updated edition.
But the best part of all, is that for existing purchasers, these updates are FREE!
A less mundane reason we sometimes update our titles is to take the opportunity to include more content. Sometimes this is due to the natural evolution of our format, with new sections added, or design changes that we can implement in our back catalogue. At other times, we’re able to add new information, photos or other elements that extend the existing content of the book.
Of course, print publishers occasionally do this kind of thing too, but the key difference is that we can release our updated books immediately, rather than years later. But the best part of all, is that for existing purchasers, these updates are FREE! Yes, that’s right: free lifetime updates for any book you’ve purchased. Imagine a print publisher doing that!
Here’s How it Works
Whenever we publish an update to any of our books, we’ll announce it here, as well as our Facebook page, so it’s useful to subscribe to our updates via email if you haven’t already:
To access an updated version of a book you have purchased, you simply need to download a fresh copy, which will always be the latest version that has been published. There are two ways to do this. The first, and simplest, is to simply re-use the download links contained within the original order confirmation email. These links remain valid in perpetuity.
The second method is to download the updated book from the Downloads section of your profile. This requires you to have purchased it while logged in to your account, so that the purchase is then recorded as belonging to you, and is made available to you to download at any time. This doesn’t happen if you purchased the book as a guest—even if you already have an account.
To access an updated version of a book you have purchased, you simply need to download a fresh copy, which will always be the latest version that has been published.
Note that you don’t have to go looking for a specific version to download; there will always only ever be one version of each book available, and it will always be the latest. So, when a book gets updated, it replaces the previous version on the website, and when you download it again, it will be the updated version. The orange badges you see on the updated versions on our website are for marketing purposes only, and do not appear on the cover of the published books. In order to verify the version you have, check the Copyright page for the version number and date:
What If I Purchased as a Guest?
If you didn’t have an account at the time of the original purchase, or you forgot to log in prior to purchasing, then you won’t yet have access to a newly-updated book. This is relatively easy to fix, thankfully, but does require a bit of manual handling. Firstly, if you don’t have an account, create one! The benefits by now should be obvious.
Whether you’ve just created your account, or a particular purchase is not showing in your existing account, the next step is to contact me and let me know which book (or books) are affected, and the email address of your account, and I can then manually assign those guest purchases to your account. The next time you log in, they will magically appear in the Downloads section of your profile. Voilà!
It’s worth remembering that this facility is always available, so if you ever lose your existing copy of a book, or need it on a new device, you can simply re-download it at your leisure. And just to be clear: all new purchasers always get the latest version!
Written by master modeller Eric Galliers, this 160-page digital book shows you how he built his award-winning 1/32 scale model of Macaulay “Mac the FAC” Cottrell’s Cessna O-1 Birddog. Using the Roden 1/32 scale kit as a basis, Eric modifies it to represent Mac’s Birddog as he flew it in Vietnam in 1968.
Check out what our readers have to say:
“Outstanding book! love it” – Raphael Jumentier, France
“…it is surely the best source to build a Vietnam war O-1! Highly recommended!” – Thierry Laurent, Belgium
“I went through the whole book and I have to confirm that it is the top class product there is everything – perfect build, interesting story and quality walkaround photos” – Jan Gabauer, Slovakia
“The Bird Dog book is excellent, got the Roden kit, and it’s been very helpful.” – Graeme Buckley, New Zealand
“This is clearly a book written by modellers for modellers. The text is clear and concise and the great selection of walkaround pictures crisp. The words from the pilot really do add to the story.” – Julien Dixon, Britmodeller Review
“The download is superb, tons of photos, a great model build and a terrific price too. Well done to all involved.” – Bruce Crosby, UK
So, nip on over to our webstore and grab yourself a bargain!
Building Mac’s Birddog in 1/32 Scale
Written by master modeller Eric Galliers, this 177-page digital book shows you how he built his award-winning 1/32 scale model of Macaulay “Mac the FAC” Cottrell’s Cessna O-1 Birddog. Using the Roden 1/32 scale kit as a basis, Eric modifies it to represent Mac’s Birddog as he flew it in Vietnam in 1968.
Written by master modeller Eric Galliers, this 106-page digital book shows you how he built his award-winning 1/32 scale model of K.J. “Brick” Bricknell’s CAC Sabre. Using the Italeri 1/32 scale F-86F kit as a basis, Eric modifies it to the Avon-powered configuration employed by CAC-built RAAF Sabres, to produce an exquisite replica of Brick’s Sabre as he flew it in 1963.
↑ About Brick
↑ Brick Says
↑ Gallery
↑ Lathe Work
↑ Nose Job
↑ Walkaround
The book also includes anecdotes from Brick himself, from his time flying the CAC Sabre with the RAAF, along with 37 walkaround photos of the real thing, taken by Mark Jessop and Peter Chrismas, of Aviation Spotters Online.
And as with all our books, should any updates be required, anyone who purchased the pre-update version gets lifetime free access to all subsequent updated versions! All new purchasers will of course receive the updated version automatically.
So, head on over to our store and grab yourself a bargain!
Building Brick’s Sabre in 1/32 Scale
Written by master modeller Eric Galliers, this 123-page digital book shows you how he built his award-winning 1/32 scale model of K.J. “Brick” Bricknell’s CAC Sabre. Using the Italeri 1/32 scale F-86F kit as a basis, Eric modifies it to the Avon-powered configuration employed by CAC-built RAAF Sabres, to produce an exquisite replica of Brick’s Sabre as he flew it in 1963.
Every so often, a model build comes along that completely blows your socks off, and seems to take the state of the art to new heights. KLP author Peter Castle has, in my opinion, achieved such a feat with his newly-completed scratch-built Hawker Fury in 1/18 scale. It might seem like hyperbole to make such an assertion—and I’m sure objectively there are models out there that rival Peter’s Fury—it remains true that Peter’s build is rare and exceptional achievement, as the photos below will attest.
And if that’s not enough to blow your mind, check this out:
The good news is that Peter and I will be collaborating to bring you this model in our Build Special Series, which will cover his build in the kind of forensic detail you’ll be familiar with if you’ve purchased his previous book, Building Race #80 Spitfire Mk XIVe in 1/18 Scale:
Building Race #80 Spitfire Mk XIVe in 1/18 Scale
This 574-page eBook features Peter Castle‘s award-winning conversion of the HpH Models 1/18 Seafire 47 to represent a Spitfire XIVe—specifically, Race #80, as flown by James McArthur in the Tinnerman Air Races at Cleveland, Ohio, on September 4th 1949.
Peter’s Fury has been added to our production schedule, but with a few projects ahead of it, the publication timeline is not certain at this stage. Please stay tuned for more news and information as it comes to hand. You can even subscribe to the blog to receive update notifications via email:
I’m pleased to announce that our second eBook, Building Mac’s Birddog in 1/32 Scale: A Scale Tribute to Macaulay “Mac” Cottrell, has been updated to Version 1.3. This new version introduces a 4-page addendum to Rob Fox’s original walkaround section, which includes new photos and information about his aircraft’s time in service.
Being a digital publication means this kind of update is very easy to do, and we will continue to update all our books in this fashion any time it becomes appropriate or necessary.
This new update is free to download for anyone who has already purchased this book. If you have an account with us, simply log in and download a new copy of the book from Downloads section of your account. Otherwise, the download link contained in your original purchase notification email should still be valid.
If neither of these scenarios applies to you, and you’d still like to download your updated copy, create a customer account here on the website, and then contact me so that I can associate your purchase with your new account. Once that is done, you can log in and download it from your purchase history.
Written by master modeller Eric Galliers, this 177-page digital book shows you how he built his award-winning 1/32 scale model of Macaulay “Mac the FAC” Cottrell’s Cessna O-1 Birddog. Using the Roden 1/32 scale kit as a basis, Eric modifies it to represent Mac’s Birddog as he flew it in Vietnam in 1968.
Being a digital publication means this kind of update is very easy to do, and we will continue to update all our books in this fashion any time it becomes appropriate or necessary.
This new update is free to download for anyone who has already purchased this book. If you have an account with us, simply log in and download a new copy of the book from Downloads section of your account. Otherwise, the download link contained in your original purchase notification email should still be valid.
If neither of these scenarios applies to you, and you’d still like to download your updated copy, create a customer account here on the website, and then contact me so that I can associate your purchase with your new account. Once that is done, you can log in and download it from your purchase history.
And of course, if you haven’t purchased Building Mac’s Birddog in 1/32 Scale: A Scale Tribute to Macaulay ‘Mac’ Cottrell at all yet, you’re more than welcome to do so! And what’s more, we’ve temporarily discounted the purchase price from 15 Australian dollars to 12! This price will be valid for 7 days from today, before returning to its original price, so jump in for a bargain while you can!
Building Mac’s Birddog in 1/32 Scale
Written by master modeller Eric Galliers, this 177-page digital book shows you how he built his award-winning 1/32 scale model of Macaulay “Mac the FAC” Cottrell’s Cessna O-1 Birddog. Using the Roden 1/32 scale kit as a basis, Eric modifies it to represent Mac’s Birddog as he flew it in Vietnam in 1968.
I’m pleased to announced that we’ve just released Version 1.5 of Building Race #80 Spitfire Mk XIVe in 1/18 Scale. This update is actually only very minor, featuring a few tiny layout tweaks, and fixing some typos. That’s it!
Being a digital publication means this kind of update is very easy to do, and we will continue to update all our books in this fashion any time it becomes appropriate or necessary.
This new update is free to download for anyone who has already purchased this book. If you have an account with us, simply log in and download a new copy of the book from Downloads section of your account. Otherwise, the download link contained in your original purchase notification email should still be valid.
If neither of these scenarios applies to you, and you’d still like to download your updated copy, create a customer account here on the website, and then contact me so that I can associate your purchase with your new account. Once that is done, you can log in and download it from your purchase history.
And of course, if you haven’t purchased Building Race #80 Spitfire Mk XIVe in 1/18 Scale at all yet, you’re more than welcome to do so! And what’s more, we’ve temporarily discounted the purchase price from 22 Australian dollars to 18! This price will be valid for 7 days from today, before returning to its original price, so jump in for a bargain while you can!
Building Race #80 Spitfire Mk XIVe in 1/18 Scale
This 574-page eBook features Peter Castle‘s award-winning conversion of the HpH Models 1/18 Seafire 47 to represent a Spitfire XIVe—specifically, Race #80, as flown by James McArthur in the Tinnerman Air Races at Cleveland, Ohio, on September 4th 1949.
First published in September of 2017, we’ve now added Iain Ogilvie‘s review of the Roden kit, and some appendices at the rear of the book detailing available aftermarket items and reference books.
Being a digital publication means this kind of update is very easy to do, and we will continue to update all our books in this fashion any time an applicable new product is released, or we find an error somewhere.
This new update is free to download for anyone who has already purchased this book. If you have an account with us, simply log in and download a new copy of the book from your purchase history. Otherwise, the download link contained in your original purchase notification email should still be valid.
If neither of these scenarios applies to you, and you’d still like to download your updated copy, create a customer account here on the website, and then contact me so that I can associate your purchase with your new account. Once that is done, you can log in and download it from your purchase history.
Written by master modeller Eric Galliers, this 132-page digital book shows you how he built his award-winning 1/32 scale model of Macaulay “Mac the FAC” Cottrell’s Cessna O-1 Birddog. Using the Roden 1/32 scale kit as a basis, Eric modifies it to represent Mac’s Birddog as he flew it in Vietnam in 1968.
The book also includes Mac’s recollections of his 47 years in the RAAF, along with his citations for the Silver Star and DFC for an action in Vietnam. We’ve also included an exclusive 53-page walkaround, featuring a whopping 95 photos by Rob Fox of Rob Fox Photography.
The book is available to purchase in PDF format for $15 (Australian) at the “Buy now” button below:
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