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v2.0 of “Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe” Now Available and On Sale!

I’m pleased to announce that Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe F.2A (Early) in 1/32 Scale has just been updated to v2.0, with 4 extra pages covering its new custom display case.

Not only that, we’ve also reduced its price for the next 7 days to a mere 12 Australian dollars!

This a free update for all existing purchasers, and of course new purchasers will always receive the latest version of any of our books.

In order to obtain your free update, simply re-download the book using either the original download link in your Order Confirmation email, or log in to your KLP account and download it from the Downloads section of your profile. If you don’t have either, please contact me and we’ll sort it out.

And of course, if you don’t have this one, for the next 7 days you can purchase it even more cheaply than usual!

And don’t forget our brand new release, Building the Kitty Hawk T-6/Harvard in 1/32 Scale!

Stay tuned for the announcement of our next book project soon!

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v1.2 of “Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe” Now Available, and On Sale!

I’m pleased to announce that our most recent title covering a Wingnut Wings build, Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe F.2A in 1/32 Scale by Gary Boxall, has just been updated to v1.2. And to celebrate, for the next 7 days we’ve reduced the price to just 12 Australian dollars!

Existing purchasers are able to access the updated version for free. Simply log in to your account (or use your original download link) and re-download the book from the Downloads section of your profile. If you don’t have an account or the original download link, please contact me and we’ll sort it out. And of course, new purchasers will always receive the latest version.

And stay tuned for an announcement concerning a brand-new Wingnut Wings title that’s currently in the works!

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v1.1 of “Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe” Now Available!

An astute reader of our latest title, Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe F.2A in 1/32 Scale, noticed that we hadn’t included the product number for the Archer rivet decals that Gary used on his build. Fair call! The book has now been updated to include this information, and consequently version 1.1 is now available.

This update is a free download for all existing purchasers. And of course, new purchasers will always receive the latest version.

Stay tuned for an announcement about our next title shortly!

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“Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe F.2A (Early) in 1/32 Scale” Now Available!

I’m pleased to announce that our latest title, Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe F.2A (Early) in 1/32 Scale, is now available!

In this 292-page eBook, Gary Boxall builds, paints, and rigs the giant Wingnut Wings 1/32 Felixstowe F.2A to an award-winning standard. While Gary’s build focusses on the ‘early’ boxing of the kit, his methods are equally applicable to the ‘late’ version, and we’ve included a great many photos of Gary’s rigging process to assist in this difficult area—helpful for anyone building any aircraft that requires even a modicum of rigging!

Gary also describes how he painted the interior, modified parts to be more accurate or more detailed, cut custom masks for the eye-popping ‘swirl’ paint scheme, and made templates for the Aviattic fabric decals that cover the wings and tailplane. And much more!

The book also includes a detailed look at the kit by Brett Green, and our usual Appendices covering available aftermarket and reference material.

And all this for just 17 Australian dollars!

So head on over to our webshop and grab yourself a bargain.

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“Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe” Reaches First Draft!

I’m pleased to advise that, after a whirlwind of activity, our next book, Building the Wingnut Wings Felixstowe F.2A (Early) in 1/32 Scale, has reached first draft status. While this makes it sound like it has only reached the halfway point, in reality, the book is now largely complete, and simply needs some spit and polish. No promises, but it should be ready for an official release in a week or two.

Gary Boxall’s stunning Wingnut Wings Felixstowe F.2A

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And don’t forget our most recent release, Geoff Coughlin’s opus on modelling the British FG.1 Phantom:

Stay tuned!